What is Object Detection? An Overview and An Introduction

7 min readMay 20, 2022

Object detection is a technique used to identify the location of objects in an image. If there is a single object in the image and the goal is to categorize the complete image, this is known as image classification.

In other words, image classification helps to classify what is contained in an image without the need to know its location in it. Whereas object detection provides in addition to the class of the object its location in the image (i.e. the bounding box coordinate surrounding the object).

Object detection is one of the fundamental problems of computer vision. It forms the basis of many other downstream computer vision tasks, for example, instance segmentation, object tracking, and more.

Application of Object Detection

Object detection nowadays plays an important role in the field of computer vision due to its numerous applications, and it is being widely used in the industry right now.

The applications where object detection models are being used range from personal security apps to automated vehicle systems, which include pedestrian detection, people counting, face detection, text detection, pose detection, and number-plate recognition …

Person Detection




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