The Ulysses Pact: How Standardized Tools Can Revolutionize Tech Team Productivity?

Project Management Tips & GitHub

7 min readMay 19, 2024

Today, I would like to share in this article some of the lessons I picked when I came across and watched this YouTube video “The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Plain Text” which dives into a crucial topic for anyone in a tech or creative digital team. The topic addressed was about exploring why so many tech teams struggle with productivity and how a simple yet powerful strategy can turn things around.

The Problem with Tech Teams

Software is an incredible tool that, combined with the internet, allows small teams to change the world overnight. Yet, despite its potential, many tech teams need help with persistent issues. If you’ve ever worked in a tech team or just a team to build something, you’ve likely encountered bad software and bad habits, e.g., constantly changing processes and endless meetings. These problems are not new, and they’ve been discussed widely.


Why do these issues persist? One major reason is the constant churn of new tools and processes. Teams often jump from one “solution”…




Memento Mori Live in the present, and take advantage of opportunities Stop postponing things til tomorrow #science #technology #computer #vision #book #software