How to Balance Constraints and Maximize Value in Project Management?

How to Write Clean Code 8/10

4 min readMay 20, 2023
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Coding Better World Together” is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today’s society. In this eighth lesson, we continue on the same topic and we answer the question: “How do you manger a project?” So,

How Do You Manage a Project?

In project management, we have what is known as the “iron cross of project management”,

”Good (Quality), fast (Time to Market), cheap (Cost Effectiveness), done.” Pick any three. You’re not going to get the fourth.


From this, we know that there are four things that we can manipulate (via the knobs):

  • Schedule,
  • Speed,
  • Quality,
  • Scope

1- The Schedule Knob:




Memento Mori Live in the present, and take advantage of opportunities Stop postponing things til tomorrow #science #technology #computer #vision #book #software